Sunday, October 25, 2009

Roll Tide And A Velcro Wall

Well, we headed to Tuscaloosa for the Alabama game yesterday. Did a little tailgating with sister, saw some old friends, and celebrated a win. You may have watched the game and if you did you would know it was a close one down to the last 4 seconds. These football games are starting to give me chest pains when this happens.

I just came from our church's Fall Festival where our class worked the Velcro Wall. We signed up for the cake walk... but they gave us this instead... now I know why. It was a workout and you have to touch a lot of kids stinky feet. No time for pictures there... those kids were eager to throw themselves onto the wall. I think Matt and I will rent one of these sometime for the backyard. I could totally see us enjoying this.


Christie said...

I LOVE the picture of you and Matt in the stadium posing! Legs crossed over is a great look for Matt!

Keri said...

Did you get someone's permission before you took a picture of the BAMA letters?? I hope so!
I did a pretty good job of taking that picture of you and Matt with the stadium behind you...should've gotten one of me and steven like that. I didn't even notice that both of had your legs crossed! Hope it makes the frame!

Brent, Missy, Aubrey, Eli, & Nathaniel Copes said...

Hey Kristen! I read some of your blog today. I love your wedding pics! How is school going for you guys? My first year back to teaching at PHS has gone great! It has been tough getting 3 little boys ready every day though. I am going to be taking the Facilities class with Dr. Covington in the Spring. Are you guys taking that class? Talk to you soon. missy

Unknown said...

What? No picture of the velcro wall? I am so disappointed! I would have loved to see you and Matt jumping onto that thing!