Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Fun

So I am trying to spice up these titles to draw you into the! Anyways, that's the best I could do for this one. Friday night we played Gardendale and it was a win, so that was great! It wasn't much of a game and we did get a little yawny at some points. Good thing we had creepy baby there to entertain us. See her below.. she is the one on the right. If you look closely at her face you will see where she got her name. She comes in handy when you want to save some seats... just lay her on the bleachers and no one will come near you. Matt's players did great!! Good game!! Saturday was filled with some good ole quality time with my hubby--no pictures from that! And then....we are on the way to church this morning and the traffic is so backed up. We are thinking oh no it must be a wreck or something... no wreck.. just a pack of geese crossing the road. Or should I say standing in the road. Those little boogers wouldn't move. See this is why should always carry a camera in your purse. You just never know what you will come across.


Jennifer said...

I love the dolls! I had a barbie doll with matted hair and ink on her face. When I was little my best friend and I played with her, she was always the mean one, a few years ago my girls inherited her. I noticed the other day her head had been removed! Some things never change I guess!Looks like you had a great weekend!

Keri said...

Who did this creepy doll belong to? Is it Harper's...or did Kristin bring it with her??
Can't wait to see what the title will be for the post for next weeks game. Maybe you should pick out the best spirit banner and use that as your title...just a thought!!

Keri said...

Oh and that is the same reason that I always have my camera in my purse too! Never know when you will need to take it out and capture the moment!!

Jen said...

The baby doll thing made me laugh out loud! Too funny! I can't believe you use those to save seats. Hilarious! I would have loved to see the peoples reactions around you. LOL!