Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Saturday  night I had a date night with this man. 
It was a good night spent with the man I love. See this adult (because we aren't adults right) small group class at church offered to watch all the couple's kids from out class for us to have date nights. Too too nice. And they gave us 5 hours. Woohoo. So we decided to make the most of it and started off with some ice skating.

I was laced up and ready to go in no time. 
 Somebody else took it a little more serious. Had to make sure they were on just right.

 I honestly couldn't remember the last time I had been ice skating. Had to be at least 10+ years ago. But we did like all love birds do and skated holding hands, until Matt nearly fell and then I had to let go and save myself.

 Matt had to stick by the wall at first, but he loosened up and was doing figure eights in no time. Plus the 4 little girl birthday parties encouraged him to venture out into the ice or he would be in the follow the leader line of 5 year old girlies.

We had a blast being together and just plain ole focusing on each other. From there we went to one of my all time favorites... J Alexander's. Love it. We were having so much fun I forgot to take any pictures after we thawed out from the rink. We made a quick trip to the mall and back to pick up our little bambino...who by the way was having so much fun that he didn't even care that we were there. Nothing like 15+  adults for 8 kids. Lots of attention. It was a refreshing night with my soul mate. Love this guy.

1 comment:

Keri said...

Glad you guys had fun! I am sure I would break a bone if I attempted ice skating right now.