Sunday, November 18, 2012

He Is Still Capable

Matt thought these days were over. It's funny (or maybe not funny to Matt) but just a few hours earlier Matt had been playing with Fulton on the changing table and I made the comment that he better finish putting his diaper on before he gets an unexpected shower. Matt's response... I think he is over that stage. 
He is clearly NOT over that stage. This happened after Matt took off his diaper and was heading to the tub. He said oh I feel a little warm on my shirt. This was the result. Wow that's a lot of tinkle.

In other news, someone got some new shoes this week. Our sweet neighbors went to Guatemala this week and brought Fulton back some handmade cowboy boots. Love Love. He still has a little time to grow into them, but these suckers are too cute.

He thinks he is hot stuff and he loved playing in them. These boots definitely are made for walking, now if someone will just start walking.


G K said...

OMG, those boots!! :)

Keri said...

So glad I was there to see Fulton'S action shot of messing up Matt's shirt. Oh and do love the boots!