Monday, January 20, 2014

Loving This Monday

We are out of school today and the weather couldn't be any better. But first, a 
quick recap of our weekend. 

These two had a little daddy son breakfast outing Saturday morning. I went with the girls to a clothing sale and all of us came home happy campers. 

The rest of the day was spent indoors because it was so chilly. Matt and I are officially on the Biscuit Ministry Team now and it was our Sunday to make the biscuits. We had 72 biscuits to make and have at the church by 6:30 am Sunday morning. The youth then took them downtown and gave them out to the homeless. Such an amazing ministry to these men and women. 

This little ladies man was up and ready for church, waiting patiently for his momma, 
who was running late. 

We had a great service at church, continuing the Seven Deadly Sins series. We enjoyed naps and a walk in the neighborhood. I had a craving for chili and we headed to Wendy's for a big bowl. Kind of random huh?! What other fast food place serves chili... don't think there is one. It was delish. 

So, here we are at Monday. The weather has been in the 60's, sun is shining, and nothing on our calendar but enjoying the day together. 

We went to the park where we ran, slid, jumped, and even fed the geese. 
Kiki and Pete came to see us too. 

We brought a picnic lunch to enjoy. By the way this is Kiki and Pete's first official picnic together. Glad we could be there to witness it. Kiki sure does bring some good stuff to her picnics. She can come back anytime. 

This little stinker had a first today. What do you do when a potty training toddler says they need to go to the potty and the restroom is absolutely disgusting and making me gag to even walk in it?? Well, good thing we have a boy. We enjoyed our first sprinkling of the leaves today and this 
guy performed like a champ. 

My boys are snoozing wonderfully right now and I couldn't be more blessed. 
Thank you Lord for this day!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Thanks for letting us bust up on your family fun day! Glad I made a good first impressions...I liked to be invited back a second time :)