Sunday, January 29, 2012
Life Of A 4 Month Old
This is another random post... seems to be a trend these days.
Fulton had his 4 month check up last week....4 months! It's going by way too fast. He weighs 14 pounds, 5 ounces and is 25 inches long. Our poor doctor... let's just say he probably should ask for 2 co-pays from us because I keep him in the room forever, asking all kinds of questions. He is wonderful though and spent over 30 minutes just chatting with us and listening to this wacko ask about the most ridiculous things. Fulton did great!
Look at Mr. Independent trying to hold his own bottle these days. Maybe we can teach him how to make it himself too.
We are in the need for some sunglasses for little buddy... he decided to make his own since his mommy and daddy are total slackers. I promise by summer we will get some. I know they won't stay on his face long, but wouldn't it be so cute for the 5 seconds it will last.
Fulton helped me cook dinner one night this week. Speaking of dinner... the doc said we can start solids now... yikes. Totally not prepared for this. I must do some studying up and get prepared. And get lots of bibs, I foresee this being really messy.
Saturday morning there was tons of laundry to fold. This guy can sure keep the washer going. Matt says Fulton needs to start doing some chores. Why not start with folding clothes.
Little guy loves to pull my skin. He thinks it's funny.... to me, it hurts a little, but I guess all I can do is laugh. It's better than the hair.
Fulton and Harley are becoming better friends these days. Well, I guess it depends who you ask. Buddy has found Harley's hair and that isn't too fun for the little fella. Poor Harley is in for it as little guy gets more mobile.
Here's a random bath time photo. Wow, this post really is random. Fulton really loves bath time... loves it so much some nights he gets 2. Right in a row. He is all clean and happy, we pull him out and wrap him up and spit up everywhere... running down his belly. Back in the tub.
Saturday we had lunch with some good friends, Justin and Elizabeth, and their little boy Peyton. Peyton is 6 weeks old and look how tiny he is. I can't believe Fulton was that small a couple of months ago.
This picture was a little dark. They were so worried Peyton wouldn't do good and would be fussy.. guess who took over that role. You guessed it.. monster on the right. Today was spent working in the nursery and enjoying our small group. We work in the "puppies" class in the nursery... let's just say the puppies ran all over the teachers today. That added to the fact that we got a speeding ticket on the way to church this morning... really, who gives speeding tickets on Sunday?! I even tried to witness to the cop, he would have none of it. Rough morning! We had lunch with some friends and Aunt Keri rescued us and came and got Fulton from the restaurant to watch him because he was in meltdown mode. Thanks sis!!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Our Amusement Park
We had dinner at some some friends house Friday night and Fulton got to experience his first roller coaster ride. Johnny and Doretta bought this for their granddaughter for Christmas and we were dying to get it it out and see how it worked. Fulton was a little under the age and height limit, but we are wild and crazy in the Howard house, so we went for it anyways. He probably was a little freaked out and didn't really know what was going on, but he didn't cry, so that's a plus. I will admit that sister and I both tried it out ourselves too. I didn't check the weight limit before we got on, but I am sure I was definitely over it. I hope little buddy loves some roller coasters like his daddy. Mommy is really good at finding a good bench and holding everyone's bags. Next up, bungee jumping.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Long Weekend
We had a nice long weekend with Monday off school and it was fab. Can't we always have a 4 day work week?!
Friday Fulton had pajama day at his school. Pajama day is easy....except when you don't get the text until the morning of and you didn't put him to bed in any "cute" pj's..... so then you feel it's necessary to change him out of his pajamas into some other ones. Matt said this was ridiculous, whatever.
Friday night we had some yummy dinner at the Depot close to our house and then played with our bibs some. Who needs a hat when you can wear your bib on your head? Cheap entertainment around our house.
And then we did a little modeling in our drawers. We gotta work on that muffin top coming over the diaper. He is taking after his momma on that one.
Saturday we met up with one of my dear dear friends from high school. We met her and her husband and sweet daughter Laylee for lunch. Laylee was born about 3 weeks before Fulton, so I hope they can be best friends one day. Look how sweet Laylee is looking at the camera and wild man is so not interested at all.
Aunt Keri came over and we decided to go for a walk in the neighborhood. It was a little chilly, so it was the perfect opportunity to break out the "snowsuit" that Aunt Keri got for Fulton. I don't think we will see any snow this year, so this may be the only chance we get. At least he was warm. He kind of reminds me of the little boy on "A Christmas Story."
A few minutes into our walk and this was the result... success! Notice Sophie is his best friend these days. He loves that giraffe that sis gave him.
He woke from a good nap and was all smiles and ready to play. Hooray for naps that make us wake up in good moods.
Today we were out of school and had a day full of events.. so many things to do that I wrote them all on a sticky note so we wouldn't forget anything. Our first stop was the only fun thing for Fulton. We went to a painting pottery place and did a tile with his footprint. We had a coupon for a free one and thought we would take advantage of it.
Of course we couldn't walk out of there without creating something else. I know it's after Christmas, but we really wanted to do a Christmas plate with a reindeer from Fulton's foot and just never did it... so, why not avoid the rush and do yours in January. He was such a trooper. The rest of the day included lots of running around, another walk in the neighborhood and now someone is snoozing good in the recliner with daddy.
Monday, January 9, 2012
A Little Of This And That
This is a random post, with random pictures.... but that seems to be our life these days.
Over the break Fulton had a night where he was so upset and just couldn't get settled down. I thought maybe we could try to read him a story. What better story than the true Christmas story from the book of Luke. Daddy broke out the Word and ended up reading him the whole book of Luke to him. End result--Fulton fell asleep. We will work on this, don't want our son falling asleep in church.
This was last week on our last day off for Christmas break. It was a freezing cold day and we had to break out the sweaters.
Little buddy is trying all kinds of new things lately. We broke out the exersaucer last week to see if he liked it... loves it!! He isn't really sure what to do with all these things surrounding him, but it provided him with a little bit of entertainment.
This little guy is so much fun to play with. I literally cannot get out of school fast enough to go get him.
Friday he was getting in the spirit for the big game tonight and chose to wear some of his Alabama gear.
Saturday was a fun day of running around and Aunt Keri came to visit. She had to come by and get some lovin on her little nephew. Saturday night we had our friends the Warrens over for dinner and a little cookie making extravaganza. Sorry, no pics.
Sunday was an adventurous day at church. The power went out and Matt and I actually had nursery duty. We were working in the 2 year olds and when the lights went out they all screamed and started running around. I felt like screaming and running around too. We came home to a drizzly wet afternoon and decided to try another contraption. The Jumperoo.
Sunday night Pops and KK came over for dinner and a little play time. Pops is growing a beard and I bet Fulton can't wait to grab a hold of it.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Beach Time
Last week sister called me and said they decided to go to the beach with mom and dad. We had already decided we weren't going to go.... just too much to pack up and I didn't feel up to the challenge. Then we started thinking about it and how nice it was going to be down there and we really had no plans here at home, so that was 10:00 am and we were pulling out of the driveway by 12:30. I was proud of our efforts to get everything together in record time.
Little man had no idea what was going on, but he was ready for whatever we had planned. He was a trooper for his first long car trip/vacation. We only made one brief stop at the rest area for a feeding and change and we were back on the road. We made it to the beach in time for a quick dinner and of course a trip to Walmart and then it was time to hit the sack.
Friday, KK, Aunt Keri and Uncle Pete arrived shortly after lunch (we had some yummy seafood at the Shrimp Basket before they got there).
And then that meant he was also ready to hit the beach. The weather was beautiful on Friday. Perfect! Fulton's hats aren't quite the right size for right now, but it did the job.
There were actually people laying out in swimsuits. Now, I don't think it was that warm, but it sure was flip flop weather. Which by the way, Fulton doesn't have any yet... must look for some before summer.
Fulton was the star of the show with lots of people to love on him.
I think he enjoyed sticking his feet in the sand... he wasn't sure what that gritty stuff was but he seemed to like it.
And then the drool began and that was our cue to take it to the house. He had endured enough pictures and fun for one afternoon. It was off to have dinner at Bahama Bobs... delicious!!
Pops arrived late Friday night, someone had to stay and work. So, Fulton did some early morning bonding with him. To say his sleeping schedule was a little off while we were gone would be an understatement. It was a rough few nights.
This guy was such a lounger while we were there. I heard you shouldn't let your child watch TV until the age of 2... looks like someone has already broken that rule.
Saturday we went to lunch at Tacky Jacks. It is right on the water so we had lots of things to look at while we waited.
The girls. We had a little wait for our table, so there was plenty of time for pictures. I know the guys were thrilled about that.
And the whole fam.
Fulton was a champ during lunch and finally gave it up and crashed. It was super foggy on Saturday, so we didn't get out to the beach, but did a little outlet shopping and football watching. It was a wild and crazy New Years Eve for us.
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