Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Number 9

Today is year number 9 for us. 9 years, so blessed to call this man my husband. 

July 10, 2004

Our sweet little wedding day, July 10, 2004, when we were just wee little ones 
starting out life together. It's had it's highs, lows, and just those times that are in between. But I wouldn't want to be right next to any other man. 

In honor of number 9, one thing for each of the last 9 years that stands out in my mind:

year one: buying our first home together, I loved that little "yellow cottage" on Country Lane

year two: our first trip to Disney World together, memories were made

year three: a near arrest at the border of Mexico for smuggling in some Cuban cigars (We don't even smoke)

year four: a huge move for us back home to my hometown, an amazing job opportunity for you

year five: graduate school together, long nights of sitting in class writing silly notes to each other

year six: went on our very first cruise and four wheeled through the jungle 

year seven: becoming a family of three, having our precious son, what joy he has brought to us

year eight: a huge job change for you and a blessing for our family , I am so proud of you and the leader you are

year nine: ice skating side by side and trying not to break any bones

This man is amazing. He is a giver, not a taker. Loves the Lord, me, then Fulton. Each with everything he has. 

I am pretty sure our family would fall apart without him. So thankful we get to do life together. That we get to parent Fulton side by side and guide his heart towards the Lord. 

Thankful we get to smile, laugh, and cry together. I am thankful we are a team.... Team Howard as we like to call it. I love you Matt Howard. Year #9!


Anonymous said...

Smuggling in cigars?! I wonder who you did that for! Ha. Seems like yesterday. (I kind of love that it was a highlight from year 3.) We had such a good year with yall that year.

Happy Anniversary!!

G K said...

Happy Anniversary! Loved the list! :)

Keri said...

Happy Anniversary to my favorite sister and brother in law!! Glad to be able to spend this special day with you!