No major events to share, but a few random photos to catch up on our not so exciting life.
So Fulton's hair is getting a little long... I am starting to notice a bit of a rat tail in the back. I do want to grow it a little shaggy, not like ponytail shaggy though. I am afraid a little trim may be in our near future.This hunk a chunk turned 11 months last week. These months are seriously flying by. The big birthday bash is just around the corner. I think he might have gotten his first taste of a little sweet something today when he grabbed a piece of this cookie I had in my hand. I didn't realize it until I saw crumbs on his face. Sneaky one he is.
We have been practicing our walking skills. This started last week. He is getting pretty good at walking while pushing his car, but hasn't been brave enough to step out without his wheels.
We spent some time at the lake this weekend and mom and dad had their supper club up for the day. I know they were ready to finally see us go home because Fulton was such a squirmy wormy on the boat, unless Pops was letting him drive.
Ok this is really random. So, we are out riding the boat, Matt is driving and all the sudden he says look at the shore.... and this is what we saw. This truck had apparently crossed the road and came down the side of the hill right before the bridge and landed upside down on this rock. Creepy sight. So then we start thinking what if someone was in there and no one had noticed. Remember all those adults on the boat (mom and dad's friends) they all suggested someone needed to swim over and check...and guess who they voted to do it. Poor Matt. He didn't mind. He loves a good challenge. He jumped right off that boat and swam over, climbed up that rock and stepped down to see in the truck. I mean he was a lifeguard at Shipwreck Island and all. Talk about freaking out, I would have peed my pants if they had voted me to do it. Thankfully there was no one in it, just praying those people made it out safely.
Today at church Fulton moved up to the big boy class. He actually has been going the last 2 weeks because the baby class was packed out (some fertile folks in our church). But today was the official start day and he enjoyed it.
Aunt Keri came to play this afternoon and brought Fulton a prize back from the Dominican Republic. Some Moroccas (however you spell that) and he was just a one man band making some music with those puppies.
We started a new adventure tonight. Brushing our teeth. We are probably a little behind on this one, considering most of the toothbrushes we looked at said 4months and up...oops. The little booger loved it. I wish my toothpaste tasted like apples.
Loved it so much he just kept going with it. So, that's what we have been up to lately...pure excitement, I know.
He looks so cute brushing his little teeth!
Still cannot believe that wreck y'all saw at the lake. Hope no one was hurt!
Fulton's hair is amazing! It keeps getting lighter...he may be as blonde as his daddy soon. He looks so much like you though :)
Hey, life is VERY exciting with a little one! Document it all! You won't regret it!!
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