Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sweet Fellowship

Last Saturday we had some couples from our small group up to play at the lake. 

Mom, Fulton, and I went up early Friday morning to get a head start on the weekend. Fulton got to spend some time with Mema and wore her out pretty good. 

Saturday a few couples arrived for a fun day at the lake. This is Fulton with little David. This little buddy will be one soon and Fulton is excited to have more friends to run around with. 

A few of us went for a boat ride and it was an absolutely gorgeous day!

For some, it was their very first boat ride. Sweet! Write that in the baby book. 

Sweet Brock and Jill. 

The guys braved the water again. Not the ladies... we watched from the pier. Speaking of piers... look, it's ours upside down in the background. Hoping the new one will be in soon. 

There was good fellowship had by all. And don't forget good food....these two sure enjoyed their share.  This was the first time Fulton didn't sit in a highchair while eating a meal. Now I know why we strap him down to eat... he is a roamer. Just walk around, go back, pick up a bite, walk some more. Geeze. After lunch the guys spent the afternoon fishing. We had a great day with sweet friends!

In other recent events, we did some babysitting. Last week we kept Colt and Avery so their mommy and daddy could have a date night. These two are a mess together. They had the place destroyed in no time. It was a good taste of what two, even three kids would be like. Wowzers!!


Keri said...

Hate we missed the fun on Saturday, but it looks like everyone had a good time. Looking forward to the ribbon cutting ceremony...

G K said...

You guys always put in some good family/friends quality time at the lake! Fun!