Tuesday, July 10, 2012

8 Years!

Today is the day....8 years ago I married my college sweetheart. It's been a fun 8 years, and this past year has definitely been the biggest change as we added our little bambino to the fam. What a joy it is to walk side by side with this man. 

I could write lots and lots about how much I love this man, but since this is year number 8, why don't I list 8 reasons. 

1. He is a firm man of God. Matt loves the Lord with everything he has and is daily challenging me in my walk and to keep the Lord the center of our marriage. This guy knows the Word.

2. He is so stinkin funny. Even when I am trying to be serious, he just looks at me and laughs or says something silly and well, you can forget the seriousness after that. He knows how to make me laugh. 

3. He is smart. Matt often wonders where I was during my school years, because I seem to be missing lots of facts. Particularly those in the history area. He is teaching me lots of good knowledge, that may or may not help me one day.

4. He is a hottie. This boy is gooood lookin. I loved those curly locks when we first met and I couldn't wait to gel them up and play with his hair. Probably not what Matt had in mind. But thankfully Fulton got his looks from his daddy. 

5. He is an amazing leader. He can take any job, task, or position and lead like nobody's business. He has recently jumped into a new career challenge and I cannot wait to see the Lord use him in this leadership role. 

6. He can fix anything. And most of those include things that I have broken or messed up. Oops. Here's a recent example. The other day I accidentally let a very important necklace slip down the drain and I freaked. He took the whole drain piping apart and rescued it. Maybe this doesn't seem like such a big deal to you, but I barely know where to locate the drain.

7. He has discernment. He is so keen on knowing when a situation is, for lack of better words, good or bad. He knows when to call it quits and when to keep pushing. 

8. And last but not least. He is selfless. Oh my goodness... I could list so much here. The guy is constantly putting others before himself. Let's just talk about what he does for me (like you care, right)-the guy makes my breakfast and lunch everyday, puts the toothpaste on my toothbrush, lays my towel out, folds clothes, washes my car, changes diapers more than I can count, opens my car door every single time, gets me a sip of water at night when I am already in bed, washes bottles, unloads the dishwasher, cleans (and he is good at it), cooks dinner, and geeze I could keep going. See what I mean?  I really ought to be more like him. 

Anyways, Happy 8th Anniversary to my man, my best friend, and my partner for life. Can't wait to celebrate 100 with you!! I love you !!


G K said...

You're kidding about #8, right? That can't be real. Seriously, guys like that don't even exist...right??

Just so you know, he's pretty lucky to have you, too. You're a great mama, you obviously love your husband to pieces, and you're pretty funny yourself. Your blog cracks me up on the regular.

Happy Anniversary to you two!

Keri said...

Happy Anniversary to a wonderful sister and brother in law!
Such kids you were 8 years ago :) You two make a great match!

Mandie Tuck said...

Happy Anniversary to you love birds :)